Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Ventures

Recently I noticed that along with Facebook profiles, just about everyone has a Blog. Being that I am the one home with the kids 99% of the time I thought why not give the rest of our friends and family a chance to see what we are up to thru a blog. So today I am creating the Henrickson Family Blog! Real original I know but I am going to be blogging about our family so why not name it after out family!

A lot has changed in 2010 so I am just going to start with the month of July thus far and will go forward from here. Fourth of July weekend was spent in Bellingham. Daniel's mom, Shari, and her husband, Joey, own Hot Diggity Dogs. They sell hot dogs as a side business on weekends and at different events in Whatcom County. For the 4th of July weekend they had two events scheduled and asked that we come up and learn the ropes of the cart on Saturday and on Sunday help with the main event in Bellingham. Originally we were going to spend the weekend at home but we talked it over and the plans for our weekend were changed. We had a great time visiting with family, working the cart and we were even able to squezze in a drink at Poppe's Martini Bar for a friends birthday! (Thank you Joey and Shari for watching the kids!!!) Before we headed up to Bellingham, Daniel started tossing around the idea of building his own hot dag cart. After countless hours of research and youtube videos he decided to order a video on how to build your own hot dog cart! We took out a small signature loan and thus began Patriot Hot Dogs! In the last 14 days Daniel has been very busy filling out forms and constructing the cart. I am so PROUD of him and all he has accomplished in such a short time. The hot dog cart has been his 'baby' from the begining and I must say he is doing a GREAT job getting everything together! Well, I would love to write more but Logan just woke from his nap so duty calls!
Ps. Sorry the pics are in reverse order but I am new at this! I will try to figure this out a little more before my next entry!

1 comment:

  1. YEA!! How fun that you started a blog! We have one too
    Welcome to the blogging world momma!
