Thursday, February 3, 2011


Another Christmas has come and gone and the kids were spoiled... AGAIN!!! This year we spent Christmas Day at Shari and Joey's house. We figured we had not been there Christmas Day since 2004 so we were due! With everyone there, the house filled up fast but everyone had a good time. The two youngest, Matthew and Logan, had fun checking eachother out. I think they were happy to have another person there at thier same level to play with.
The girls quickly found a place on the couch to play with babies. I think this was the fastest that all the kids settled in and started playing together. We had hoped one day this would happen!!!

One last picture of the kids before opening gifts. They had been patient long enough.

Lillian got some little nesting boxes from Gramma Eileen that she adores! Anything little right now is just her size!
Logan had fun with the ribbon and wrapping paper...

Lillian also got a pony in a purse from Aunt Christine and Uncle Mike. Huge hit!!! To this day she still carries around the pusre full of her treasures!
We tried to get a good group shot of the kids but by this time they were done. They being the youngest two.

Lillian and Olivia were pals most of the day. It is always nice when we all get together and Lillian has a few girls on her side to play with.

Shari got the kids individual containers of cereal. Someone's cereal got spilled and Matthew must have sat in it.
Logan found the pile and started chomping away. I am not sure where he puts all this food he eats but he EATS and EATS and EATS!!! Can't imgine what it will be like when he is a teenager!!!

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