Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Years Weekend

This year we went down to Tillamook, Or for New Years weekend to visit Daniel's Dad. We had not been down in a year so we figured it was time to get down there again. Like the year before it was very cold and Lillian still wanted to go out on the boat with Daddy. Part of the pond was frozen so Daniel had a hard time navigting around the island. On the far side of the pond it was frozen over. Here is a picture of Daniel breaking through the ice so they could go through. Last year Achilles got scared and jumped in the water. This year he was stupid and thought he could walk on frozen lily pads and fell in the water! LOL!
The trip around the pond was short but sweet. Lillian had a great time spending some time with Daddy and Achilles was just glad to be out of the boat and on dry land.

Next time we visit I think we will go when it is a little bit warmer out!!! A few years ago we met Christine and Mike down there and they camped on the island. I slept in the nice warm comfy house with Lillian but I think this year I may rough it in the tent with my air mattress! =)

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