Tuesday, August 3, 2010


After a long week of Daniel pulling long hours at work and me home with the kids, we decided to pack up and go camping. With the kids in the car and an empty cooler we had one stop to make before we headed down the freeway. While Daniel was in Safeway I took a few pictures of the happy bunch!Logan didn't really know what was going on. At 8 months old as long as he has a dry bottom and a full belly, he is happy. Well, that and a finger in his mouth!
Lillian was super excited to go. She had been telling me all day, "Me Daddy go vroom vroom." She was missing Daddy and the idea of spending some quality time with him was right up her alley!
Achilles was just happy to go bye bye!
After our short drive down the freeway we landed at our destination, Kalama Campground. Close, cheap, and they had openings! We checked in, then picked our spot. Daniel and Lillian put up the tent while Logan supervised!
The ground was a little hard so Daniel pounded in the stakes with his little helper's assistance of course. With the tent set up and the Jeep unpacked, it was time for swimming. Achilles of course was the first one to go in the water.
Lillian had fun throwing rocks in the water. We had the river to oursleves which was nice.
Here is a snapshot of me with the kids staying warm and dry on the river bank.
Daniel did a few laps with the dog in the river. So, of course, once Daddy was in the water, Lillian had to get in!
Not planning to swim, I didn't pack her suit, so she went comando.

It was cold but after a few minutes you got used to it. That is what Daniel told me anyways.
I stayed on the side with Logan.
Swimming was followed by what else, HOTDOGS! Lillian watched patiently as Daniel roasted her hotdog. I don't think I have ever seen her eat her hotdog so fast! Oh wait, that's because Achilles was hungry and stole her hotdog! It's okay, Daddy made her another one! LOL!
I also don't think I have ever seen her so dirty! Thank goodness for baby wipes!
Since we were so close to home, Grandma stopped by to say hello. Lillian was excited to see Grandma!
Before Grandma left, we had her take a picture of the two of us. It is a rare occasion you see the two of us together in a picture but we are working on me getting in front of the camera instead of always being behind it!
It was a cool crisp night so Logan was all bundled up with his stocking cap and down vest. Isn't he cute!

We had a great time camping. Next time we go I think we will bring our swimsuits and some bug repellant! I was fine but Daniel got a few bites on him...


  1. What a fun camping trip!! Where are you guys living nowadays?

  2. Kelso, exit #40 right off the freeway. Someday we will be back up in Bellingham... hopefully soon!!!
