Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dinning Table

Behold the beauty of my dinning table... NOT!!!! I have had this table for almost three years now and never really have been happy with it. I bought it at Pier 1 right after we moved into our current home. It did not come with chairs, strike one, and it is too big for our dinning area, strike two. Thus began my quest!

I had two chairs from a previous table, the white ones you see in the picture below, but they don't match so I always said someday when we can afford to I'll buy new ones! The two leather ones I picked up at Ross right after I bought the table for $19.99 each, steal of a deal if you ask me, but they only had two! Grr!!! I have bought numerous table cloths, place mats, and napkins over the years hoping to dress up the table. None of which I have liked so some I have kept and some I have taken back. A few weeks ago I was on Craigslist and found a new dinning table I thought would be perfect in our little space. Well to make a long story short I was wrong, it was way too small so now I have a dinning table under a tarp I can't take back... Yes, I have issues, I am aware of that. LOL! Anyways back to my story. The other day on one of my many trips to Target to buy diapers I wandered thru the Home and Bath section on my way to check out and low and behold I see a TABLE CLOTH!!! Not just any table cloth but one I had to have for my table!!! So, like I have many times before, I buy the table cloth. As soon as I get home I open it up and put it on the table. TOO SMALL!!!! Big surprise huh!

Back to Target I go, table cloth in hand and I exchange it for a bigger one. Logan had his 9 month check-up so I went to Ross to return some curtains, that's another story, and picked up a little something for $5 I thought would look good in the middle of the table to hold something. Once finally home from the Doctor I began dressing my table and ta da.... my new dinning table!!!

I am finally happy with my table!!!! My once cluttered and messy catch all of a table is now beautiful! You know how when you get a new car and you just want to drive everywhere? Well I just want to sit at my table and marvel at it's beauty! You can stop laughing now. I will show you a little more of why I love my table so much now.

Here is the center piece of the table. The flowers I got at Micheals last Spring and have been on the table since then (one of my other attempts to dress up the table!). The basket is the little something for $5 I bought at Ross the other day to put something in and the something in it is two sets of napkins from Target I had bought and kept just in case. The napkin rings I have had since I first met Daniel and never used til now, they were a pier 1 purchase.
Here is a closer look at the table cloth, isn't it pretty!!!

The mirror above the table we have had since we lived in NC and it used to sit on out fire place mantle. It has looked so bare on the wall by itself so I picked up these wall sconces at Ross to pair with it. I need to get some bigger candles but you get the idea.

The white chairs I bought cushions for at Ross for $4.99. They make the chairs comfy for guests but I do still plan to someday pick up two new ones.
Here is picture of the leather chairs from Ross for $19.99 I bought right after I got the table.

Here is a side view of the table, don't you love it!!!!
Okay the table is set so feel free to come to my house for breakfast, lunch or dinner! Company is always welcome!

I have a spot reserved just for you!!!!

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