Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lillian and Logan

Lillian loves to go outside to play. Most of the time Logan and I go out to join her but somedays I take advantge of the fence and let her go out with the dog and open the door so I can keep an eye on her while she plays. Yesterday was one of those days. I had a million things to do inside and Lillian wanted to go 'wee' (swing) so I put her out and Logan and I stayed in.

Logan was crawling around the livingroom while I was folding some laundry. I think he liked having free range of the space.

Every few minutes he would crawl over to the gate to take a peek out at sister.

Sometimes he would pull himslef up to look out but most times he would just look through the gate.

A few times Lillian came over to say hi and get some water. After about an hour of playing outside she was ready to come in. She set up her little high chair for brothers bear to sit in.

Brother of course had to go investigate...

Lillian was not too happy about that but she cleaned up the spilled water all by herself and put the bear back in the chair to play.

While she was cleaning up Logan crawled back over to the gate to look outside.

Lillian saw him standing at the gate and raced over to put her hand on his back. This made me so proud! She loves her little brother so much, it makes me so happy to see her protecting him.

This picture brings almost makes me want to cry. My babies are growing up right before my eyes! I am so happy they will always have eachother. They may fight over toys or get upset when the other one takes a special blanket but they love eachother thru it all.

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